We are hired by you as a professional travel and experience consultant to discuss your preferences and requirements for each trip or experience. We utilize our industry and destination knowledge as well as our experience to create a customized full-service itinerary for each trip or experience.

Work will begin after the Trip & Experience Planning Fee has been paid, the client services agreement has been signed, and a valid Credit Card Authorization form has been signed.

Sulan Rouge, LLC (“Sulan Rouge”) acts as a sales agent for any airline, hotel, car-rental company, tour operator, cruise line, or other service provider named in your itinerary or confirmation (“Suppliers”). We are not responsible for the acts or omissions of the Suppliers or their failure to adhere to their own schedules, provide services or refunds, financial default, or failure to honor future trip credits. We have no special knowledge regarding the financial condition of the Suppliers and no liability for recommending a trip credit in lieu of a refund.

You can expect to pay the following:

TRIP & EXPERIENCE PLANNING FEE – collected up front:

Our Trip & Experience Planning Fees start at $500.00 for a trip that is based on 1-4 people traveling or an experience/event with a group of people included on the same itinerary and includes the following:

  • $500 Non-refundable should you decide to cancel the trip or experience for whatever reason including the events as further defined in our Terms of Service below.
  • If you decide you’d like to explore a different destination entirely or wish to include more than 4 people, additional fees may apply.
  • The Trip Planning Fee for trips longer than 5 days will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
  • The Trip Planning Fees include our initial consultation, the time involved in research and development of the itinerary, and close consultation with you on revisions until all the details match your needs. Charging a fee allows us to allocate the appropriate time and resources needed during this important phase of itinerary development. We will work with you on your trip itinerary until you are satisfied.
  • Upon your approval of the trip, we begin working with the suppliers to book your trip. Once the hotels and services are confirmed, we will finalize the cost and provide a final itinerary, again for your approval.
  • Scheduling of air transport whether it be commercial or private.

** Deposits are due at the time of itinerary approval. Deposits vary by supplier and may be nonrefundable. **


“Prête à Partir Trips”

Our “Prête à Partir Trips” are only offered for a limited time and change on a monthly basis. These trips do not include air fare. Air travel costs will vary significantly depending upon client’s preference of flying private or commercial. As such, a further consultation will be required to understand the client’s air transport preference and additional fees to book the air transport will be applied.


Our Trip Planning Fees start at $1500 and is due upon time of booking of a “Prête à Partir Trip(s)” that is 1-4 nights based on 1-2 people traveling on the same itinerary. This Trip Planning Fee is included in the price of the “Prête à Partir Trip(s)” that is stated on the website. Additional fees may apply for additional people to be added to the itinerary.

  • $1500Non-refundable after booking a “Prête à Partir Trip” should you decide to cancel the trip for whatever reason including the events as defined in our Terms of Service below.
  • If you decide you’d like to explore a different destination entirely or wish to include more than what is included on the itinerary, additional fees may apply.
  • The Trip Planning Fees for a “Prête à Partir Trip” includes our time involved in research and development of the itinerary with our business alliances, scheduling of the air transport whether it be commercial or private, and close consultation with you on any revisions until all the details match your needs. Charging a fee allows us to allocate the appropriate time and resources needed during the itinerary development. We will work with you on your trip itinerary until you are satisfied.
  • Upon your approval of any modifications of your “Prête à Partir Trip”, we begin working with the suppliers to book your trip. Once the accommodations and services are confirmed, we will finalize the cost and provide a final itinerary, for your approval.

** Deposits are due at the time of final itinerary approval or, if booking one of our “Prête à Partir Trips,” the deposits are due at time of booking transaction online on our website if stated. **

Deposits vary by supplier and may be nonrefundable.

Changes / Surcharges (not including cancellations) after booking is made and paid:

  • $100 per change prior to 15 days before scheduled departure
  • Additional $200 for changes within 15 days before scheduled departure


SERVICE FEE – For an Experience or an Event only, full and final payment collected 30 days prior to event date.

(Service Fee not required for Prête à Partir Trips or Travel Packages unless travel is organized for an event that we are organizing)

Our Service Fees start at 20% of the total cost of the booking and includes the following:

  • Serve as the primary point of contact for all vendors
  • Provide personalized creative partner/vendor recommendations based on style, budget & personality
  • Collaborate with the Client to assist with the following:
    • Sourcing & securing vendors
    • Design and execution of décor & styling concept
    • Tracking of all vendor contracts, terms, deposits, and preparation of vendor payments
    • Schedule management of Event activities
    • Client ability to track guest list, inclusive of RSVP’s physical & email addresses, gifts given to the couple & thank you notes
    • Logistical support with Event execution
    • Booking room blocks for guest accommodations if required
  • Site visits/calls with vendors on an “as needed” basis
  • Assist with the following items beginning approximately forty-five days prior to the Event:
    • Creation of Event timeline
    • Vendor confirmations & communication
    • Finalization of details such as décor, rentals, etc.
  • Coordinate the vendors for the wedding rehearsal, the wedding ceremony, and the wedding reception including (as applicable):
    • Coordinate the flow of the rehearsal and ceremony
    • Coordinate dances, cake cutting, bouquet & garter toss,
    • Gather gifts and personal items and tender to a designated family member or designated guest at the end of the evening
    • Oversee that the bridal party and family members follow the predetermined schedule of events
  • Coordination and management of vendors the weekend of the Event:
    • Call and confirm times with vendors the week prior to the Event
    • Verify whether vendors are following contractual obligations during the Event
    • Oversee the vendors follow the predetermined schedule of events
    • Supervise vendors to confirm the vision is executed and expectations are met
    • Oversee delivery of the Client’s final payments to vendors
    • Provide reasonable assistance to vendors as needed (set up, break down, etc.)

The services listed above do not include running any wedding related errands such as picking up or delivering attire, supplies or equipment, documents, and/or being present at vendor meetings, etc., unless specifically agreed upon in advance in writing. All “do it yourself” (“DIY”) items that are to be completed for/on the Date of the Event must be agreed upon in advance of the Event and may be subject to an additional fee based upon the scope of the work.

As the Client, you may rely on us to work as many hours as may be reasonably necessary to fulfill our obligations under this Agreement.

It is the Client’s responsibility to provide us with contact names, telephone numbers and any scheduled timetables for all service providers involved in the Event no later than 30 days prior to the Event.

It is the Client’s responsibility to notify us of any changes in a timely manner. Sulan Rouge, LLC shall not be held liable for any changes made by you or your selected service providers.

It is the Client’s responsibility to provide any licenses required for the applicable event, i.e. marriage license unless otherwise stated. Sulan Rouge, LLC shall not be held liable for filing or coordinating the marriage license unless otherwise stated.

Sulan Rouge, LLC will use professional judgment when taking action in regard to changes, weather, tardiness, nonperformance, etc. based on the situation, time limitations and/or your wishes.

The Client acknowledges that they are the only party to the Contract and that we will only communicate and take direction from the Client, regardless of the source of payment for our services.

In the event a venue coordinator is on site, we will work with the venue coordinator as needed.

Sulan Rouge, LLC reserves the right to decide if we will provide a Lead Coordinator to attend the Event or if the Event will already have an Event Coordinator with the requisite skill set to ensure your Event is executed according to the caliber and standards set forth by Sulan Rouge, LLC. Client requests for a particular individual will be accommodated if feasible but cannot be guaranteed.


Changes / Surcharges (not including cancellations) after booking is made and paid:

  • $50 per change prior to 15 days before scheduled departure or event
  • Additional $100 for changes within 15 days before scheduled departure or event


Trip Cancellation and Refund Policy

We strongly advise all travelers to purchase Trip Cancellation / Interruption Insurance at the initial stage. A waiver will need to be signed should you elect not to purchase Trip Cancellation / Interruption Insurance. Some of the deposits may not be refundable depending on the suppliers’ policies. The Cancellation fees listed below reflect the costs involved in putting together a custom tour. If you decide you do not wish to take the trip, and it is because of a covered reason, your insurance company should cover the cost.

Custom curated trips by Sulan Rouge

  • All cancellations must be received in writing via an email (sulan@sulanrouge.com) after the booking deposit has been made.
  • If cancelled prior to 60 days before departure, you will be responsible for the Trip Planning Fee and any non-refundable deposits from our suppliers.
  • If cancelled within 60 – 30 days before departure, you will be responsible for the Trip Planning Fee and 50% of the total cost of the booked itinerary, to include any non-refundable deposits from our suppliers.
  • If cancelled within 29 days before departure, there will be no refund.
  • Some Promotional bookings may be non-refundable as some of our suppliers have strict cancellation penalties, of which, we will advise in each proposal.


“Prête à Partir Trips”

  • All cancellations must be received in writing via email to sulan@sulanrouge.com after the booking has been made.
  • As the “Prête à Partir Trips” are only available for a limited amount of time each month, the packaged trip costs (if paid in full) or any deposits made at time of booking as well as the Trip Planning Fee are non-refundable when cancelled after booking unless these are cancelled prior to 60 days before scheduled departure.
    • The majority of these “Prête à Partir Trips” will not be available to book 60 days ahead of scheduled departure, however, if the departure is scheduled for greater than 60 days in advance of the “Prête à Partir Trips”, then you will be responsible for the Trip Planning Fee and any non-refundable deposit from our suppliers.
    • If cancelled within 60 – 30 days before departure, you will be responsible for the Trip Planning Fee and 50% of the total cost of the booked itinerary, to include any non-refundable deposits from our suppliers.
    • If cancelled within 29 days before departure, there will be no refund.
    • Some Promotional bookings may be non-refundable as some of our suppliers have strict cancellation penalties, of which, we will advise in each proposal.



Air Travel booked with us

  • Air cancellation fees will be in accordance with the airline’s rules and regulations.
  • Many airlines have implemented charges for checked baggage. These fees are payable directly to the airline upon check-in. Please contact your airline (if commercial airline) for specific details.
  • Airline prices are subject to increase prior to the time you make full payment for any air-inclusive tour. Prices are not subject to increase after you make full payment, except for charges resulting from increased government-imposed taxes or fees.


Proof of Citizenship and other documentation

It is the client’s responsibility to obtain proper documentation for boarding and traveling to a specific country. We will not be liable for client being denied entry into a country or delayed in boarding due to incorrect or missing documents.

  • For air reservations we need dates of birth and gender.
  • All travelers must have a valid passport. Please note that the service times recently have significantly increased for obtaining a passport. To obtain a passport, please visit the following link:
  • Passports valid for at least 6 months beyond completion of your visit will be accepted. We also suggest bringing additional identification such as driver’s license or other type of government-issued photo ID. We urge non-US citizens to contact the appropriate embassy or consulate of the destination you are visiting to determine what travel documents are required.


Disclaimer and responsibility clause

Sulan Rouge is acting as a mere agent for other suppliers in selling travel-related accepting services, or in accepting reservations or bookings for services that are not directly supplied by Sulan Rouge (such as air and ground transportation, hotel accommodations, meals, tours, cruises, etc.). Sulan Rouge, therefore, shall not be responsible for breach of contract, failure to comply with any laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or any intentional or negligent actions or omissions on the part of such suppliers, which result in any loss, damage, delay, inconvenience or injury to travelers or travelers’ companions or group members.

Further, Sulan Rouge assumes no liability for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which is caused by any terrorist activities, social or labor unrest, mechanical or structural integrity of air, sea, and ground transportation and accommodations, diseases, local laws, Pandemic, climatic conditions, Acts of God, delays, abnormal conditions or unforeseen developments. Sulan Rouge assumes no responsibility or ascertaining and/or evaluating local conditions along the itinerary, changes or cancellation of travel due to weather conditions, hotel services, accidents or health related problems before or while in-transit to (e.g., an accident on the way to a tour), during, and after a tour outside of Sulan Rouge’s control.

Sulan Rouge has no special knowledge regarding the financial condition of the Suppliers, unsafe conditions, health hazards, weather hazards, or climate extremes at locations to which you may travel.

You, the client, assume full and complete responsibility for checking and verifying any and all passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry requirements of your destination(s), and all conditions regarding health, safety, security, political stability, and labor or civil unrest at such destination(s). You hereby release Sulan Rouge from all claims arising out of any problem covered in this paragraph. You agree that the courts in Pinellas County, FL will be the exclusive jurisdiction for all claims brought by you or Sulan Rouge LLC, and you hereby submit to the personal jurisdiction of those courts.

For information concerning particular destinations, Sulan Rouge LLC recommends contacting: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories.html/

For medical information, Sulan Rouge recommends contacting the Centers for Disease Control at (877) FYI-TRIP or www.cdc.gov/travel and http://www.who.int/en/ – World Health Organization.

There will be no refunds for cancellations made 29 days or less before departure or event, due to actual or threatened terrorist events. There will be no refunds due to fear of travel from actual or threatened terrorist events.

It is the traveler’s responsibility to protect their purchases and traveler is advised to obtain appropriate insurance coverage against these risks; information is available through this Travel Agency regarding travel insurance. Traveler’s retention of tickets, reservations, or bookings after issuance shall constitute a consent to the above and an agreement on his/her part to convey the contents hereto to his/her travel companions or group members.

By embarking upon his/her travel, the traveler voluntarily assumes all risks involved in such travel, whether expected or unexpected. Traveler is hereby warned of the above risks as well as possible travel industry bankruptcies and medical and climatic disruptions, and the possibility traveler may be unable to travel as scheduled because of personal emergency.

Sulan Rouge reserves the right to withdraw the tour or any part of it, to make alterations in the itineraries we deem necessary or desirable, to refuse to accept or retain, as a member of the party, any person at any time and to pass on to tour members any expenditures occasioned by events beyond its control.

SULAN ROUGE, LLC is registered with the State of Florida as a Seller of Travel. Registration No. ST43138